Monday, February 25, 2013

Chicago Marathon Drama!

Have you heard the latest about the Chicago Marathon????  You can't sign up for it!  I'm having a little bit of anxiety over this.  And it's increasing everyday.  What if I don't get in??? That was a scenario that NEVER even crossed my mind! Go back to the very first blog entry. Is "not getting in" listed anywhere there???? Nope. It Isn't.  What happens if I don't get in? What then? The whole is not to run A marathon, the whole point is to run the CHICAGO marathon. I had the registration date marked on my calendar and everything. I went to the website and tried to register at 1:15 (reg opened at noon) and it wouldn't let me. This is sad.

They said they will tell us what their solution is by Thursday at 3:00.  Until then, I will just sit anxiously and hope I don't have to think of a Plan B.