Funny Things My Kids Do

Sometimes my kids do funny things. I want to remember them.

"We're having nachos for dinner"
"I like machos!" -Eiley

"We're going to Kansas City"
What's Sandy Kitty?"- Beverly

"He's like a chipmunk" -Beverly while watching a video of Chris Sharma climb

"Yesterday yesterday" is how Beverly describes an event that happened a long time ago. 
"Yesterday" is any even in the fairly recent past

"I wish I could be super married." -Eiley

"You are going to have an orange, mommy. Want some ketchup on it?" - Beverly while playing tea party with me

"Hangaburgers" is how Eiley and Beverly say "hamburgers"
Jaminas are pajamas 

At the end of singing her ABCs, Beverly says, "no my no my ABCs, next time won't you sing with me."
Eiley calls water "la la".
Bev told me I needed to leave her door open so she could see her fingernails.
"My heart hurts cause I have a sticker in my throat." -Beverly. I still don't know what that means.
"Its gone make you so much happy!"- Beverly

At 20 months Eiley says "Ya yo" for I love you.

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