Monday, March 11, 2013

Cross Your Fingers!

I find out tomorrow whether or not I received one of the 15,000 lottery spots for Chicago! Fingers crossed!! I have a couple Plan Bs that I'm tossing around, just in case. I kinda figure go big or don't go, so my top 3 plan Bs are: Athens, Greece; Hawaii; or Philadelphia.

There a few awesome updates I'd like to post about.  I'll keep it short.

1. I broke 24 minutes in the 5K!! I'm like a semi-legit runner now.  Although, I'm not convinced it wasn't a fluke so I'd like to try and do it again just to make sure ;)

2. I ran an 8k and it was cold and windy.  My face was windburned for 2 days afterwards.  Let me tell you, windburn is a pretty attractive look.  Especially on the face. You should try it sometime. I did get 2nd in my age group which was neat.  Except I didn't get a medal because they messed up my chip time.  But it's all good. 

3. The next race on the calendar is the Bentonville Half Marathon on April 6th.  This one will be interesting.  It starts less than 12 hours after my flight lands from a week long vaca in Paris. Luxury problems are fun :)

4. I was supposed to run 11 miles yesterday.  A mile and a half into my run I came upon 2 spots on the path where it was totally flooded. Not the kind of flooded you could jump over either.  So what did I do? Did I turn around and find another way around the flooded part of the path? Nope, I sure didn't.  I ran straight through the flooded path like an asshole. Twice. And soaked my shoes. I'm an idiot.  You know that time when you put your car keys on your seat and stare at them sitting there as you proceed to lock and close your car door? And only after you close the locked door you think, "damn. my keys are on the seat"? It was kinda like one of those moments. 
So I called my husband to pack up both kids and come meet me with my old runing shoes and new socks (how selfish am I??)  But then I decided I was too wet and cold and didn't want to run anymore so I just had him come pick me up.
To make up for my moments of brillance yesterday and decided I would run 12 miles today. I ran 13.1 instead :)