Monday, May 5, 2014

A Good Excuse for a Hiatus

I have a new adventure for the year... running for two! Yay baby! I'm not really on a hiatus, more like a taper. A super long one.

So I did end up running Bentonville half marathon. Glad I did it- it's an awesome race! There was more support out on that course than I could have ever imagined. I've decided now that I'll sign up for the Bentonville half training group at the end of this year in prep for the 2015 half. I keep wanting to do it and this year I'll be 3 months post-baby so it'll be a perfect excuse to sign up!

Running while preggo is strange. I remain in the same state of tiredness/out of breath no matter how far I run. I'm just as out of breath and tired at the end of street as I am 4 miles in. But it's not tired in a bad way. Sometimes while running I think I'm developing asthma, but then I realize it's just because my sports bra is too tight.

Yoga while preggo is strange too. And awesome. I highly recommend yoga while preggo. Or anytime. Yoga triathlons are neat too. And tons of fun.
I'm not sure what the next race will be on the calendar. The Cancer Challenge is in June and it's one of my favs. I might have to do it with the double BoB since I'll be single-parenting-it-out that day. I mean, lots of people run a 5k while 6 months preggo and pushing 75 pounds of baby and stroller, right? At least the course is flat.  

Sunday, January 12, 2014

What is harder than running a Marathon?

I will get to the answer to that question. But first.....

A Year in Review

I've taken a pretty solid break from running during the past 2 months. It was actually a good 2 months to take off. The weather has been complete crap, motivation has been pretty low, and it was Holiday time which means my focus was on eating, drinking, and finding the best twist-off-cap Chardonnay on the market. I managed to find the motivation for a couple races: Turkey Trot in Belleville, IL, Frosty 5K here in town, and an Impromptu Fayetteville Half Marathon that I ran with the husband (so fun! and so cold).

Here are some thoughts about the previous year and the the year to come:
- I struggled throughout marathon training with intense stomach pain after any run over about 10 miles. On any long run day, my husband had to take care of the kiddos not just for the 3 hours I was out running, he had to take care of them for the entire day. I would liken this experience to have the flu. Once a week. For 4 months of marathon training. It was mentally and physically exhausting (for both of us no doubt). It is an amazing thing that our kiddos are super awesome and don't really require too much parenting. So after the Impromptu Fayetteville Half when I was doubled over in pain and trying not to vomit everywhere, I came to the very sad conclusion that I could no longer run any distance over 10 miles without some pretty stellar consequences.
- I'm super stoked about both of my marathon experiences! Signing up for two marathons was a great idea. The weather was perfect for both: 60+ degree days for Chicago AND Philly. You can't beat that. The experiences of both were unforgettable and I'm so grateful for all my family and friends that were a part it.
- The marathon goal was a sub-4:00 marathon and I ran a 3:54. I still don't believe it. I mean, a 3:54 marathon is like an 8:45 minute mile for 26.2 miles.... that is unreal. But I did it. When people talk about things they've accomplished and they aren't really sure how they did it, this is one of those. Even though I had the goal and the focus and the training, I really never thought that kind of pace for me would be possible. Crazy. And Amazing.
- The 5K goal was more of a moving target. By the end of this year I really wanted to run under 23:00. I never made it. 23:20 was about as close as I got. I'm going to keep the sub-23:00 goal on the back burner. I'd really like that one to happen.
- My dad is getting back into running which is super fun! He was like a little kid at the Chicago Marathon- I think he was more excited than I was! :) We bought him a fancy new Garmin for Christmas and I'm excited for the weather to turn around so he can really get out there and use it.
- My brother has started running too- also super fun! I will be interesting to see where and how far his running journey takes him. Probably all the way to the Cross-Fit gym :)
- We have officially entered into the Year of the Husband. Well, if our family was the country of China, that is what it would be called. He's supposed to run a marathon but hasn't signed up for one yet. My guess is that he's afraid he'll get "chicked". Or I guess "wifed" would be more appropriate. He's afraid he won't run a faster time than I did. This is clearly a legitimate fear ;)  I'm totally joking (kind of). I bet he runs super fast. Like 3:35. He's pretty awesome like that.
-There are some races I'd like to do this year. Even though I said I wouldn't run anything over 10 miles, I really want to do the Bentonville Half Marathon in April and the unofficial Square to Square Marathon in May. We'll see how that works out.....

Now, after 2 months of eating, drinking, and Chardonnay, it's time to get back on the wagon. Unfortunately, it is also the time when the rest of the world has decided to get back on the wagon. At least the majority of the rest of the world will only be on the wagon for a month or two and then they'll go away and the treadmills at the gym will be free again.

So now this brings us back to the original question of this post:
What is harder than running a Marathon?
Running while pushing your own weight (or at least close to it) of kids and stroller for over 2 (yes, just 2) miles against 25+ mile per hour winds. Think that doesn't sound too bad? Try it. Just try it. You will probably die. I'm not even talking about gusts here- just wind. I was both hands on the stroller, head down, trying to run forward, and was barely moving. Three different times I had to stop, turn the stroller around, and walk backwards. It was intense. All I could think about was how much easier it was to run a marathon. And then I thought wind schmind: I'm a mom of 2 who works full time, I run more miles in a day than most people drive, I ran 2 marathons, I have an awesome husband and awesomer kids, and hell if 25 mph winds will get the better of me and my kiddos on a 60 degree day in January on our way to the park. Bam!

Side note: What's more Fun than Running a Marathon? (other than everything)
Answer: Running while pushing your own weight (or at least close to it) of kids and stroller for over 2 miles with 25 mph hours winds :)