Monday, May 5, 2014

A Good Excuse for a Hiatus

I have a new adventure for the year... running for two! Yay baby! I'm not really on a hiatus, more like a taper. A super long one.

So I did end up running Bentonville half marathon. Glad I did it- it's an awesome race! There was more support out on that course than I could have ever imagined. I've decided now that I'll sign up for the Bentonville half training group at the end of this year in prep for the 2015 half. I keep wanting to do it and this year I'll be 3 months post-baby so it'll be a perfect excuse to sign up!

Running while preggo is strange. I remain in the same state of tiredness/out of breath no matter how far I run. I'm just as out of breath and tired at the end of street as I am 4 miles in. But it's not tired in a bad way. Sometimes while running I think I'm developing asthma, but then I realize it's just because my sports bra is too tight.

Yoga while preggo is strange too. And awesome. I highly recommend yoga while preggo. Or anytime. Yoga triathlons are neat too. And tons of fun.
I'm not sure what the next race will be on the calendar. The Cancer Challenge is in June and it's one of my favs. I might have to do it with the double BoB since I'll be single-parenting-it-out that day. I mean, lots of people run a 5k while 6 months preggo and pushing 75 pounds of baby and stroller, right? At least the course is flat.