Thursday, August 30, 2012

NYC Running

We went on a little trip to NYC last weekend to visit my brother and his super cool wife. And we flew.  With both babies.  And a husband who had just arrived home from China not even 12 hours prior to our departure.  We are hardcore in our family.  We don't just fly- we fly with 2 infants (first time for either baby on a plane) and 1 jetlager.

We didn't really have anything on our agenda- just Central Park mainly.  I wanted to take Beverly to the zoo. So we did. And secretly I wanted to run the Central Park loop with my husband.  It's 6.2 miles, which intimidated me a little.  I know I needed to be running that kind of distance, but I was a little scared to try.  What if I have to stop and walk? What if I start running too fast and just die half way through? Heaven forbid I just go out and run.  Geeze. Anyway, here is the play-by-play of the run:

Both babies decided to take long naps so the husband and I decided that would be a good time to go run the loop.  It was awesome to be able to go on a long run with the husband, just the two of us.  I think it's super cool that we have running in common.  It's like date night for nerds. "Hey baby.  Wanna go for a run?"
The first part of the loop smelled like horse poop. Then I got hollered at by a girl on roller skates to "watch behind" me while I was running.  I could seriously type for 3 pages about roller skater girl's comment, but let's just move on.  We ran up around the reservoir for a short while too.  Didn't even know there was one in Central Park. Then we entered into this super cool part of Central Park that doesn't resemble NYC at all.  You couldn't really see any buildings or hear any street noise.  It was like you could convince yourself that you were running on a hilly, tree lined road anywhere in America.  I thought that was cool. And there was a pool. Then there was a garbage truck in front of us.  Gross.  I almost threw up.  NYC trash smells worse than any other trash.  Except for maybe in Korea. Korea definitely smelled bad.  We ran some more.  Then got stuck behind another garbage truck.  Gross again.  We ran some more.  Then the smell of horse poop came back and I knew we were close to being done.  And then we finished! It was one of my all time favorite runs.  We ran the whole time at about a 10:00 mile pace.  It was amazing.
It was fun to see how far Clayton's watch said we had ran (his uses GPS) and how far mine said we had gone.  They were pretty close.  In the end I think they were only like .1 miles off of each other. 

We got back home on a Sunday and I went to the speed session Monday night. I hadn't been in about 3 weeks.  It was an easier session which was fine with me. My running buddy wasn't there- sad.  But I did "win" a water bottle holder hand grip thing. I did my lunges at the end of the workout the slowest.  Who knew you'd win a prize for that??

Saturday, August 18, 2012

I promise I'm still running!

I've actually had a pretty good month.  Well, for me at least.  I've been going to the Monday night speed sessions and I've been running every Thursday morning for the past month+.  "Hey, 5am. How YOU doin'?" I've even managed to finagle someone into running one morning with me.  But only once.  My goal was to run at least one other day during the week- either Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.  That hasn't happened. Except for 1 race. I don't have a legitimate excuse but I do have reasons...

It's totally because I'm making other things my priority instead of running (which is exactly what my husband called me out on the other week).  Sometimes its laundry or other cleanliness related thing.  Sometimes its errands or little to-dos that need to get done.  This is obviously a balance issue that I need to figure out.

Time for good news! Last weekend the husband and I did a 5k. It was an absolutely perfect morning for running! The nasty heat we've been having for the past few months finally broke so it was an amazing 70 degrees that morning.  We even had to bust out the long sleeves! My goal was to break 27:00. I ran a 26:30.  Yay!  The watch really helped me on this run.  It was awesome to see what pace I was going at and how far I'd run. 

I've had to skip most of my running this week since husband is away on business.  I managed to sneak in a little 4.1 miler at 9:13 pace yesterday though. I'm still deciding on a short run later tonight.  I really want to give the double BoB a whirl so I'm leaning towards  going. We'll see.

The next race I'm planning on doing is a 10k trail run down in Fayetteville at the end of September.  I haven't really done any trail running and haven't run over 6 miles in like........ ummm...... 6 years??  Something like that.  So needless to say I have a lot of work to do before then.