Saturday, August 18, 2012

I promise I'm still running!

I've actually had a pretty good month.  Well, for me at least.  I've been going to the Monday night speed sessions and I've been running every Thursday morning for the past month+.  "Hey, 5am. How YOU doin'?" I've even managed to finagle someone into running one morning with me.  But only once.  My goal was to run at least one other day during the week- either Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.  That hasn't happened. Except for 1 race. I don't have a legitimate excuse but I do have reasons...

It's totally because I'm making other things my priority instead of running (which is exactly what my husband called me out on the other week).  Sometimes its laundry or other cleanliness related thing.  Sometimes its errands or little to-dos that need to get done.  This is obviously a balance issue that I need to figure out.

Time for good news! Last weekend the husband and I did a 5k. It was an absolutely perfect morning for running! The nasty heat we've been having for the past few months finally broke so it was an amazing 70 degrees that morning.  We even had to bust out the long sleeves! My goal was to break 27:00. I ran a 26:30.  Yay!  The watch really helped me on this run.  It was awesome to see what pace I was going at and how far I'd run. 

I've had to skip most of my running this week since husband is away on business.  I managed to sneak in a little 4.1 miler at 9:13 pace yesterday though. I'm still deciding on a short run later tonight.  I really want to give the double BoB a whirl so I'm leaning towards  going. We'll see.

The next race I'm planning on doing is a 10k trail run down in Fayetteville at the end of September.  I haven't really done any trail running and haven't run over 6 miles in like........ ummm...... 6 years??  Something like that.  So needless to say I have a lot of work to do before then.

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