Sunday, September 9, 2012

Rockin' It Out

Here's what I've been up to in the recent past:

I did a speed session the last Monday in August.  It wasn't a particularly difficult session, my running buddy wasn't there, but I did manage to do my lunges super duper slow which led me to win one of those things you wear on your hand that holds a water bottle.  I have no idea what those are called.  But I won one.  I love surprise surprises!
They don't do speed sessions on Labor Day because there is always a race going on somewhere around town.  I had all intentions of running it.  And then I got sick which resulted in me not running for 11 days.  (Honesty time. Only 4.5 of those days can really be blamed on the sickness.  Whew, that felt good to admit)

So that Thursday morning 11 days after said speed session was my first run in, like, forever.  And I only did it because I had a running buddy (the power of a running partner should never be underestimated).  I have a strong aversion to running in the dark, especially by myself.  And it's dark at 5am.  And let's face it, running on a treadmill for 4 miles at 5am doesn't exactly scream of excitement.  I made sure my running buddy was aware that she needed to show up with lowered expectations since I'd been sick and not running and was sure this was going to be a terrible run for me.  Can't you just feel my positive attitude emanating through the blog? Don't you feel all warm and sunshinny inside now? Anyway, I arrived early to our meeting place.  And by early, I mean on time.  My running buddy also arrived on time.  And by on time, I mean 10 minutes late. I greeted her in my usual friendly manner, "Wow. You look really tired." She laughed. Then we ran 4 miles.  And it was awesome! I totally felt great the entire time.  You always hear of people who do the whole 'mind over matter' thing; which was obviously not my approach to this run.  This run ended up being 'matter over mind'.  I thought the run was going to be awful, but it was actually super awesome! (Honestly time again. Pre-run, my running buddy said that typically she has really great runs after she's taken a break.  Even if the break was due to a sickness.  She was right.)

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