Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Marathon training begins!

My marathon training program officially began the week before July 4th, which was a bad idea since 4th of July was vacation week. And man, I did a lot of vacationing that week. I vacationed from running (ok, I ran a couple times). I vacationed from not being a smoker (how about that confession, eh??). I vacationed from having a responsible one drink a night limit. It was a great vacation :) 

This training plan is tough. It's taking me out of my comfort zone in running; which is a good thing. I think. I guess we'll find out in November at Philly.

I've learned to become a lover of the 5am wake up call. Well, maybe not a lover, but definitely an appreciator. The weather is awesome at 5am. There are a shocking number of runners, bikers, and cross-fitters out too. It's great to see that many people so early!

Ok so here are the challenges I'm working out right now:
1. Monday night speed sessions wipe me out. Which is awesome and I love it! Except it means that Tuesday morning workouts don't happen. Or any Tuesday workouts. I really just need to suck it up and land my butt at the gym for some cross training in the a.m.
2. My knee still hurts sometimes.
3. I'm getting cramps. I've focused more on hydrating and that seems to help some. I'm also playing around with taking S-Caps before long runs and Monday night sessions.

Right before vacation I did the Cancer Challenge 5K. It's one of my favorite races! It's a flat course that starts at one of my favorite parks. Oh yeah, and the goody bags always have tons of super awesome swag in them. I ran the 5k with full intention of PRing- and I did! I still have about 20 seconds that I want to take off before the end of the year, but this was goal 1 and I accomplished it! Whoop whoop!

I believe the next race on the calendar is the Run for the Grapes 5K. I'm less excited for the race and more excited for the pasta and fried chicken dinner that I have full intention of eating everyday for like a week. It's life changing.

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