Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I Found Out I'm Slow. And I'm Commiting to the 4.

So I did end up doing a trail run after my last post.  Well, part of the run was trail. I finally got around to running through the Crystal Bridges Museum trails.  They are so nice! And so fun! I forgot how much fun trail running is and how different it is from running on paths and sidewalks.  I feel like I could run forever on a trail.  It's like every step is a challenge- where to put your feet, step up, step over, run through- it's a blast!  I think I might try to trail run a couple times a month from here on out.

I did my first speed session last week.  Just in case our local running store, Rush Running, wasn't awesome enough as it is, they put on free speed sessions at the track every Monday.  I'm not even kidding that there are 70ish people who attend every week.  Some people are super duper fast and some people have never even ran before.  It's totally cool.  Last summer Hubs and I would trade off weeks.  Someone would do the speed workout and the other one would take little Beverly on a run in the BoB.  I haven't done a speed session in almost a year.  And it showed.  Holy cow.  We had to sprint 200m before we got into our intervals and I thought my legs were going to fall off.  Really it was my quads.  I decided that after each run from now on I'm going to do some sprints up and down my street.  I can't even believe how slow I was.  It's like my body forgot how to sprint.  Weird, but I guess it makes sense. 
I totally made one of the girls at the speed session run with me.  Or I made myself run with her, I'm not sure.  But either way it was nice to run next to someone and have them push you. She made me run more than I originally intended to and I appreciated that from her.  Even though I thought I was going to puke after the last set.  I've never puked from running before, but man I was close last Monday :)

I feel like I'm in a 3 mile funk.  All my runs are right around 3 miles.  I think it's time to up my game and Commit To The 4. I need to make all my runs at least 4 miles to get out of this funk.  And if they are less than 4 miles, they need to be fast.  Like under 9:00 fast.  (Please hold your comments- under 9:00 is fast for me right now.) I'll keep you posted on how that goes.

I'm going to sign up for my first race soon.  It's going to be the Cancer Challenge June 23 and I will be doing the 5k.  I originally thought 10k. But that was before I realized how slow I am.  So I'm going to use the 5k as a speed workout.  If my splits are under 8:30 I'll be happy.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Quit counting and just run!

I've decided to quit counting days now.  I do believe I have 3 runs under my belt since the last update.  Now let's see if I can remember anything about them....

1. This was a short 2.6ish miler.  I don't remember how I felt, but I do remember that I counted animals while I ran.  I saw a turtle.  He ducked his little head in as I ran past.  Apparently I'm intimidating.  I quit counting once I got to 9 rabbits.  Although, some of those could have been counted twice since I did and out and back run.

2. Upping the distance here with about 3.2 miles.  I was going to run by myself, but little Beverly was being high maintenance while I was getting ready so I decided to take her along with me.  We went to Orchards Park to run.  I drive past it and through it all the time and I keep wanting to run there.  It was a good decision.  There were an unbelievable amount of people at the park, which I think is super cool.  There were soccer, baseball, softball, and sand volleyball games going on all over the place.  I love seeing people outside like that.  Bev was a superstar running partner and did awesome even though it was pretty much past her bedtime before we even got out there.

3. Yesterday. 3.3 miles.  I was kinda in a hurry to get my run in.  It's amazing how quickly your days fill up when you have a flex week at work (I can work, but I don't have to work during flex weeks. It's a pretty sweet job).  Nothing fancy to report on this run. 

I'm about to go do my run for today.  I'm thinking I'll go back to Orchards Park and hit up the trails around Crystal Bridges.  My trail shoes have been sitting, waiting, dying to be ran in for about a year now. Then I'm going to pick up the kiddos from daycare all stinky and sweaty.  They're going to love me today :)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The End of The Hiatus!

Holy Hiatus!

The eccentric exercises totally worked (even though I cheated and didn't do them at the gym or as often as I was supposed to).  Today was a 1.85 mile run in 16:30 which is an 8:55 mile.  It was hard and it hurt. It was great! I was so glad to be out there.

I think I'd better sign up for a race soon to make sure a hiatus doesn't happen again.

As a reminder to my future self, here are the reasons for said hiatus:
1. knees
2. rain
3. Hubs was out of town for 3.5 days
4. there are only 24 hours in a day and sometimes that just isn't enough to accomplish everything you want to.  Especially during this crucial time when baby2 is super tiny and I just want to cherish every second of it :)