Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Quit counting and just run!

I've decided to quit counting days now.  I do believe I have 3 runs under my belt since the last update.  Now let's see if I can remember anything about them....

1. This was a short 2.6ish miler.  I don't remember how I felt, but I do remember that I counted animals while I ran.  I saw a turtle.  He ducked his little head in as I ran past.  Apparently I'm intimidating.  I quit counting once I got to 9 rabbits.  Although, some of those could have been counted twice since I did and out and back run.

2. Upping the distance here with about 3.2 miles.  I was going to run by myself, but little Beverly was being high maintenance while I was getting ready so I decided to take her along with me.  We went to Orchards Park to run.  I drive past it and through it all the time and I keep wanting to run there.  It was a good decision.  There were an unbelievable amount of people at the park, which I think is super cool.  There were soccer, baseball, softball, and sand volleyball games going on all over the place.  I love seeing people outside like that.  Bev was a superstar running partner and did awesome even though it was pretty much past her bedtime before we even got out there.

3. Yesterday. 3.3 miles.  I was kinda in a hurry to get my run in.  It's amazing how quickly your days fill up when you have a flex week at work (I can work, but I don't have to work during flex weeks. It's a pretty sweet job).  Nothing fancy to report on this run. 

I'm about to go do my run for today.  I'm thinking I'll go back to Orchards Park and hit up the trails around Crystal Bridges.  My trail shoes have been sitting, waiting, dying to be ran in for about a year now. Then I'm going to pick up the kiddos from daycare all stinky and sweaty.  They're going to love me today :)

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