Thursday, May 3, 2012

The End of The Hiatus!

Holy Hiatus!

The eccentric exercises totally worked (even though I cheated and didn't do them at the gym or as often as I was supposed to).  Today was a 1.85 mile run in 16:30 which is an 8:55 mile.  It was hard and it hurt. It was great! I was so glad to be out there.

I think I'd better sign up for a race soon to make sure a hiatus doesn't happen again.

As a reminder to my future self, here are the reasons for said hiatus:
1. knees
2. rain
3. Hubs was out of town for 3.5 days
4. there are only 24 hours in a day and sometimes that just isn't enough to accomplish everything you want to.  Especially during this crucial time when baby2 is super tiny and I just want to cherish every second of it :)

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