Monday, December 17, 2012


So there hasn't been tons to report on lately.  Just the usual running routine. 

I did another 10k. I believe that makes 3 total 10ks; all ran in different settings: trail, cross country, and road.  The latest 10k was the Girls on The Run back in November.  I ran a 53:17, which is a 8:36 mile.  Not going to lie, that is way faster than I thought I'd run.  I got second in my age group! Actually, it's not that exciting.  I've come to realize that the 25-29 age group tends to be the "slowest".  You know what age group is super fast? The old people.  Like 50+ age groupers.  I'm telling you, those baby boomers don't mess around when it comes to running.  They are FAST. Yikes.

I'm continuing to do speed session workouts.  I skipped once from not feeling well, but other than that I've been a champ at attending.  And that's saying a lot because it is cold outside and I despise the cold.  Nothing is more unmotivating than the prospect of a cold, dark run and time away from the family.  It's so easy this time of year to just throw in the towel and say, "F it. I'm staying in my nice warm house and cuddling with my babies." But I always feel great after the workout and have tons of energy when I get back home. I'm trying to focus on that positive side of it.

I've started trying to go to the gym Wednesday nights after the babies go to sleep. I've always been a nighttime gym person and would much rather go at 8pm than 5am.  It's been nice.  I get to lift; which I think is great! I forget sometimes how much I love lifting.  I don't,however, forget how much I love flexing in the mirror when I brush my teeth after a lifting session at the gym. Try it sometime. You'll probably feel like a Jersey Shore wannabe, but it's ok because you'll probably be alone in the bathroom anyway. Seriously, try it.

The next big race on my radar is the Bentonville half marathon April 6.  I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to run this one or not becaaaaaauuuuuse........ wait for it....... I might be in Paris!!!  I can sacrifice the Bville half for Paris.  Plus I'm kinda thinking maybe I'll just make up my own half marathon in Paris while I'm there.  I might even make jerseys and race numbers for Husband and I to wear. So exciting!

I don't know if I talked about wanting to run a 50k next year or not.  Well, I do.  I think.  Maybe not.  31 miles of trail is a lot of trail running.  And it is before the Chicago marathon, which is risky to do if I want to be in tip top shape for Chi. I keep going back and forth in my head.  It kind of reminds me of when I was preggo with Baby2 and for about 3 months I thought I wanted to give birth without an epidural. And then I changed my mind.  This 50k thing is kinda like that.  For about 3 months I've been totally convinced that I could and would do the 50k.  Now I'm changing my mind.  Maybe I should aim for the 25k instead. I'll have to keep you posted on that.  

1 comment:

  1. your thinking sounds a lot like my thinking. I always think I should not get an epidural and then I do. And then the epidural doesn't work anyways... a 50k would be amazing! I do NOT want to do that. Just lots of marathons. :)
