Monday, January 14, 2013

3 Steps Back and Glorious Memories.

I'm not sure if I've taken 2 steps forward and 3 steps back, or 3 steps forward and 2 steps back, or if I've just started walking backwards.  Either way, I was just humbled by a 2.6 mile run.

There are many factors (excuses? sometimes I'm not sure where to draw the line) that probably contributed to this backwards run.  Allow me to list:
1. I'm still trying to kick the cough from the upper respiratory extravaganza I was blessed (not!) with over Christmas.
2. I've only run once in what feels like a month, but is probably more like 3 weeks (it was an amazing run that I will chronicle once I'm done bitching about getting bitch slapped by 2.6 miles)
3. I'm stressed.  Normally, I would be able to run or go the gym after a stressful stretch of life and workout all my issues.  As it is right now, that is not an option. 
4. I am an ex-smoker, turned non-smoker, turned occasional-social-smoker and I fell off the bandwagon over Christmas. I'm actually not sure how much this had to do with the 2.6 miles-of-crap-run, but I thought it was worth a mention.

Ok that's all.  Now let me list the positives of this run (yes- there were some!)
1. It was almost 70 degrees outside and it was January 11.  This would be why I live in the south.
2. I just bought a much needed new pair of running shoes and wore them out of the store to go for my run
3. I was sporting my new Christmas present- GPS watch! And was beyond thrilled to use it! And my newly purchased shoes just happen to match the GPS watch perfectly.  No, I did not do that on purpose.  Everyone just seems to be putting out lime green and white colored runningly-things.

The next chance I'll have to go for a run will be Friday.  Let's hope the weather cooperates so I don't end up confined to the treadmill.

Here's the short story of the Super Awesome Chicago Run over Christmas:
It was Christmas Eve in Chicago and the weather was amazing.  My husband and I did a 45ish minute run around our old neighborhood. The houses are tons of fun to look at and it brought back sweet memories.  I felt great the whole time- like I could run forever- and we were going at a decent pace too.  It was glorious.  Some of my favorite memories are of running with my husband.  This particular day will be remembered and cherished, just like our run together around Central Park. And the one time years ago we ran together for over an hour in the rain. 

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