Thursday, January 24, 2013

Family Runs

Family runs are my favorite, especially on super nice 60ish degree days in January. 

It takes about a mile for the babies to get settled into the whole sitting in a stroller thing.  Blankets fall off, baby dolls get run over by the stroller, sippy cups go flying; but after a mile everything seems to settle in place and we can run accident free for a while.  We did a nice little jog from our house to downtown Bentonville and back. Five glorious miles that I loved every second of. Once again, I can't stress enough how awesome it is to live next to a path that goes super far. Soooooo nice.

I need to get my running butt back in gear.  I've been slacking for the past 6 weeks.  There are a couple races coming up we're going to do and I'm pretty excited about that.  There's a Valentines run on the 9th and I will be doing the 8K.  I've never run an 8K and don't actually know how far it is in miles......... but I guess I'll find out on the 9th.  Or just google it.  That's what they should teach in math classes- easy ways to remember how to convert Ks to miles.  Silly america making things all confusing by being different. 

The next race is the Bentonville half marathon.  I'm being told it may be a bad idea to run it since I'll be overseas the week before and won't get back home until Friday evening and the race is Saturday morning. Well Naysayers, let me tell YOU what I think. I think that I'm going to adapt a new motto starting right now: "If Dean Karnazes can...".  It's more like a half-motto.  And the "..." is a very essential part of the quote. I can't exactly say "If Dean Karnazes can, I can" because that would be a lie.  He runs 100 miles on a seemingly regular basis.  That is crazy.  I can't run 100 miles.  BUT maybe I can say, "If Dean Karnazes can run 199 miles at one time to raise money for sick children, then I can wake up in the morning after a week in Paris and run 13."  Positive thoughts and perspective. Yep.

All that being said, tomorrow I will be back on the running wagon. It's supposed to be sunny and 50-something.   Perfect weather.  I will just need to make sure I don't get too caught up in renovating the bathroom and run out of time to run. 

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