Monday, October 21, 2013

Post Marathon

It's been just over a week since The day. Recovery has been pretty smooth considering my legs covered more ground in 4 hours than some people drive in a weekend. I gave myself this past week to make excuses and be lazy. And eat lots of pizza. And peanut M&Ms. And pink sparkly cupcakes. I did manage to find enough motivation to get 4 miles in on a treadmill last week, but only once. Then I ran 10.5 miles yesterday. I was going to jump back on the full speed bandwagon by going to speed session tonight, but a sick kiddo and other things foiled my plans. So instead I will be jumping back on the frozen bandwagon tomorrow and running in 35 degree weather at 5:30am.... theoretically.

Other recovery notes:
Running a marathon made me tired for a week. I was in bed by 8:30 for a solid 5 nights in a row last week. I still feel more tired than usual, but I'm pretty sure that's an extension of the peanut M&Ms diet and laziness and will hopefully subside after I'm back on the wagon.

Signs I saw while running for 4 hours:
Some signs were really dumb. Some we've all seen a million times- even if you've never ran a marathon. Some were funny.
"My boyfriend is faster than your boyfriend." This sign was not funny. But I thought it would be funny if I stood next to her and held a sign that read "my husband is faster than your boyfriend."
"Your training for this race lasted longer than Kim Kardashian's marriage." It's funny because it's true.
"There's no time for Walken" with a big picture of Christopher Walken. Can you really look at a picture of him and not smile?? No. No, you can't.
While running through Boys Town there were a bunch of drag queens on a stage. I thought about saying, "we don't see that down in Arkansas", but decided I would just smile and run on. And think about how funny it would be if we did see that down in Arkansas.
"Worst parade ever." Yeah, you know what- worst sign ever! I should run with jolly ranchers and just throw them at people with that sign.

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