Monday, November 11, 2013

Philly Marathon Countdown- 5 days!!

The Final countdown has begun. Philly is in 5 days. Yikes! I'm super excited about this marathon. I'm feeling good- like I can totally run 26 miles in under 4 hours. This is a vast improvement over my feeling for the past 2 weeks of just wanting it all to be over with.

I've been doing a lot of reflecting on running over the past few weeks. I think about how far I've come and how long it's taken me to get here. Perspective is a funny thing too:
A year ago my legs about fell off trying to do a 10 mile run. Sunday morning I was super excited because I only had to run 12 miles.
A year and half ago my pace for running speed sessions wasn't even listed on the board.* Now my pace is three quarters of the way up the board.
*(So at our speed sessions there is this neat board that has all these different paces/distances so you always know, no matter the distance, how fast you are supposed to run. It goes as fast as about 4 minute/mile and as slow as about 10 minute/mile. It's awesome.)
A year ago I didn't think I would ever be able to run significant distances at a pace that begins with an 8. Shoot, I was just trying to get my 5k splits down to that pace. Now my long run splits are fairly consistently at an 8-something pace.

Running is fun. Watching other people on their running adventures is fun too. My dad is starting his running adventure again and it's hilarious to see how excited he gets about it. We'll be doing a Turkey Trot this year together with one of my brothers.... I'll kick both of their asses but it'll still be fun ;) A friend of mine just did a 50 MILE trail race (crazy!).  And my husband is starting to plan out his next marathon adventure. I love it.

I think my own adventure is going to start winding down after Philly. I want to focus more on halfs, 10ks, and 5ks. And yoga. And sleeping in. And doing laundry less often.

Lessons learned from Chicago to take note of for Philly:
-keep track of my damn silicone YurBuds covers. It's just not the same without them.
-Audiobooks are fine for training runs, but Jersey Shore fist bumpin' songs are way better for races
-Remember the Glide. I actually did remember this for Chicago I'm just afraid I'll forget in Philly
-S-caps are your friend. Almost as much as ibuprofen.
-Find a place for the chapstick. For some reason I really need this when I run.

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