Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Day 2 Tuesday April 3

Did I previously say walking was unacceptable? Let me rephrase.  Walking is unacceptable when the original plan is to run.  Walking is perfectly fine when that is the plan all along.  Do I seem like less of a snob now? Aaaahhh I didn't think so. You'd think for being such a big running snob that I'd be a fast runner.  Or a good runner. Or have a wall dedicated to awesome medals I've won while running.  Alas, I am none and have none of those things. I do have a silver glittery wall in my dining room though which is pretty cool......

Let me just say one thing before I totally lose myself to your or my own good graces.  This "running snob" view applies only to myself and to no one else.  I don't care if you walk during your run.  I don't scoff in the general direction of someone who stops to take a little breather. For my own personal training and mental well-being I cannot allow myself the choice of walking during a run.  Once I take the "easy" route once, I'm done for.  It will be 1000x harder for me not to take the easy route again.  And again.  And again.  It's like me and Chik-fil-A.  I can go for months (theoretically. I mean have you had their breakfast??) without eating Chik-fil-A.  But once I give in, I will invariably find myself in the drive-thru line everyday for the next week. 

Alas..... I digress....

I walked for 35 minutes with Baby2.  It was so nice to be outside! I'm trying to enjoy the sun and heat before humidity makes her debut and ruins it all.  I find walking is more difficult physically for me than running.  Isn't that strange? My legs seem more tired and I always get a side stitch. Hhhhhmmmm maybe that's where my aversion to walking stems from. 

My initial plan was to walk for close to an hour.  I obviously didn't make it.  Let me tell you why.  I saw a dog.  I am terrified of dogs and always have been.  We're talking sweaty palms, heart racing, scared to tears (literally), the whole nine yards.  When Baby2 and I went walking last week there were 2 dogs that followed me through my neighborhood.  They were running and barking and dangerously close to my heels which I just KNEW they were going to bite off.  And then I was scared that they would jump in the stroller and bite my baby.  Or pee on me or hump my leg or harass me in some other embarrassing way.  Of course none of this happened but it did scare me half to death and it took me an hour to stop shaking.  I will never walk down that street without another adult again.  So I walked up a different street in my neighborhood.  50 yards away at the end of the street, there was a dog sitting in his front yard, staring at me. I briefly contemplated the odds that the dog was bound to the front yard by one of those invisible fence things and decided the odds were not in my favor.  So I turned around and went back home. 

1 comment:

  1. Where do you live that there are all these loose dogs?!? Also, I'm not going to tell you how many times a week I eat CFA. It's bad.
