Monday, April 9, 2012

Day 4 Sunday April 8

Happy Easter!

This day was full of working out-ly things! We went for a 2.5 mile family walk around Lake Atlanta in the morning.  I believe we were under the impression that most of the path would be paved. We were wrong. Which is not really a big deal when you have a BoB (even if the tires are still flat) but is a big deal when your other stroller isn't (the Duallie is on our shopping list we just haven't bought it yet).  So we walked really slow and tried not to jostle the itty-bitty baby too much.  Actually, I think she liked the bumpy ride.  Every time we stopped she unhappily woke up.  By the end of the 2.5 mile loop both babies were asleep so we headed home.

3 hours, 2 beers and a bratwurst later.......

To run or not to run. And by not running, I mean taking a nap. I thought about the calories burned napping versus the calories burned running and decided that I needed to run.  
 Best. Decision. Ever.

If this run was a kung fu movie, I would be Chuck Norris and the run would be the poorly-dubbed-Mandarin-speaking ninja who ends up mangled on the ground with "x"'s over his eyes.  I karate kicked this run's butt! 
I felt great the whole time.  The sun was shining, the wind was hiding, and the traffic was almost non-existent.  I logged just under 4 miles at about a 9 minute mile pace.  I felt like I could run forever. 

Musical shout-out from this run: Verona Red.  If you need a song to get you through the last 4ish minutes of a run, especially if you're trying to go fast, you should listen to "Goodnight" by Verona Red.  It's a perfect running song.

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