Monday, April 2, 2012

Why I Run and Motivational Reminders

Let's start with the basics.  Why am I doing a blog?  Two reasons.
1. Because everyone else is
2. I want (need) to remember where I started so I can be proud of how far I've come (will have come). This is a purely selfish blog meant for my own motivation and record keeping.

This is the beginning of a blog that will end once I've reached my goal: 2013 Chicago Marathon in less than 4 hours.

Most marathon training programs give you 3 months to prepare for a marathon- or something like that.  I'm giving myself 2 years. Here's the true reasons why.
1. I will undoubtedly spend the first year making excuses to get out of running.
2. It really will take me an entire year to get myself into mental and physical shape for a marathon.
3. I'm an underachiever. Absolutely okay with mediocrity.  It's sad, but its true. If I set the bar super low (like 2 years to train for a marathon) and manage to go above it, then yay for me. No need to stress myself out by  setting a goal that will actually challenge me on a deadline. Ugh I'm pathetic....

Challenges (read excuses) I forsee in reaching this goal. And the reasons why they are crap (in case I forget, you know)
1. I have 2 very young kiddos.
Crap because: A. I have a super supportive husband who is always willing to watch kiddos while I run. 
B. Duallie strollers-- duh, Eileen

2. I work full time
Crap because: A. It's only 4 days a week
B. Okay Future Eileen reading this, if your super flexible job is really keeping you from running than you have bigger problems that Current Eileen cannot help you with.  GET IT TOGETHER WOMAN!
C. That's what 5am is for

3. 5am.... seriously.....?
Crap because: ....Let's not kid ourselves here, it's not crap.  Waking up at 4:30am to get a long enough run in before work just plain sucks. 

4. It's too hot/cold outside
Crap because: A. That's what 5am is for (damn, not the 5am reason again!)
B. You own a treadmill AND have a gym membership WITH daycare

So why the 2013 marathon and planning so far ahead?
You just had a baby, Eileen, duh! So 2012 was way out of the question. In 2013 I will turn 30. Yikes! Just kidding, I really don't mind getting older and I like that 30 is a nice round number.  A marathon seems like a cool thing to do right after 30. It will also be 10 years since my first Chicago Marathon.  Oh yes, I've done this before. Maybe I'll even make it a tradition every 10 years (or not).  I was disappointed in my first marathon. I did all the training in the middle of a hot Kansas summer while working 2 jobs and having a ridiculous social life typical of a 19 year old. I changed colleges in the fall and completely slacked on my training.  I found it difficult to go for 10-20 mile runs in a town that was unfamiliar to me.  And I didn't have a car to be able to plan routes, leave water for myself, all that jazz. That's what I tell myself anyway.  So the result was my legs died at mile 8.  I finished but it hurt. My time was a full hour slower than I had hoped.  And I managed to jack up my knees so bad that I couldn't run without tons of pain for about 5 years.  Lesson learned: TRAIN!

So Here We Go...

1 comment:

  1. I just came across this searching for motivational reminders that will help keep me focused to keep running. How is it going so far? I think it's great what you're doing, and I wish you the best of luck!
