Monday, April 16, 2012

Day 6 Sunday April 14

Nothing fancy to report here.  Just a good ol' run on the treadmill.  3 miles. Very slow.  Lots of knee pain. I blame it on the weather.  Does anyone else's joints hurt like crazy when it's rainy outside? This only started happening to me after I ran the 2003 Chicago marathon.  Stupid marathons..... who runs those? Oh yeah, crazy people.

The hubs and I had a nice sit down conversation about the races we want to do this year. Better start saving now; these entry fees are adding up quick! Who would have thought you'd need to budget for races?? 

Here's my list so far (in no particular order):
1. The Cancer Challenge in June.  I'm shooting to run the 10k but I'm fine with a 5k too.
2. The Chili Pepper in October.  Hubs did this cross country 10k last year and I was so jealous that I couldn't participate.  So we'll both be doing it this year.
3. One of those crazy obstacle course 5ks.  I'm throwing around the idea of doing a Tough Mudder next year..... we'll see. 12 miles of obstacles is asking a lot.....better start with a 5k.
4. Run for the Grapes.  I did this one last year when I was newly preggo. I ran with a stroller and a friend and it was a blast!

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