Thursday, April 12, 2012

Pork Chops and Appley Things

I've heard the best way to learn how to cook is to follow recipes. Then once you get comfortable in the kitchen, you start being able to do things on your own.  Not only am I in the recipe stage, but I'm in the "crap, I don't own that seasoning/spice/liquid-thing-used-for-cooking" stage.  I've decided it will take a full year of recipe cooking before my kitchen is adequately stocked. This Pork Chop and Apple-y Things recipe is a perfect example of how unstocked my kitchen is.

Give credit where credit is due.  This recipe is from The Pioneer Woman's blog.  I heart her blog, especially the recipes in it.  They have all turned out pretty well; even for someone with absolutely no skill in the kitchen. This is the Recipe. You should read it before you read any further. Or not. Either way. But you definetely should make this recipe.

So here are the things I had to go without even after a trip to the grocery store:

First. Pure Maple Syrup. Do you know how much pure maple syrup costs?? You don't? I'll tell you. It's like $8! So that wasn't going to happen. 
Second. Dry White Wine. I don't even know what that means other than it's not red. And I live in a dry county (did you know those even still exist?!). So that wasn't going to happen. 
Third. The bacon-cheese grit thing didn't happen. At all. I'm not that daring yet.   

And this is how I, with the help of Hubs, changed it up.  Instead of pure maple syrup we used honey (his idea- way to go!) which I did actually have honey on-hand from a different recipe (one step closer to a fully "stocked" kitchen). And instead of wine I used water. If there is another more appropriate substitute for "dry white wine" I'm all ears. I added a tiny, tiny, tiny amount of maple flavoring.  I was afraid that the maple lost from not using the syrup would really affect the end flavor. 

**Side Note** Maple flavoring should be sold by the drop. No matter what size container maple flavoring you purchase, it will be too big.  I literally used a drop and my whole house smelled like maple for the rest of the night.  I'm not complaining, I'm just saying that stuff is strong.

OK. So the recipe was super easy to follow. I didn't do a lot of measuring. The recipe is to feed an entire family.  I just wanted to feed me and Hubs. I ended up needed more liquid in the pan towards the end. And I probably cooked everything longer than it needed to be.  But holy crap was it good! And it looked pretty. And smelled pretty.  This ended up being one of those meals where the first bite is good, the middle bite is great, and the last bite is awesome!

Damn. I should have taken a picture........

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